
Skinwalker September 8, 2022


“In Navajo, we hold high regard for friends, almost as much as family,” I explained. “K’é is our version of love. It means harmony and lack of conflict within a relationship.”

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Skinwalker March 26, 2022

Just a Dream, Part I

Better than that, though, she cared about me. She cared about me in the way my mother used to. She accepted me even though I was a skinwalker and had uprooted her life for me. We were madly in love and could take on the world together.

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Skinwalker November 8, 2021

A Long Walk

“That’s when I first lost control. A hunter had me down, and I couldn’t shift. I tried and tried, but I didn’t have enough strength. His men surrounded us and he was ready to kill me. He shoved a blade into my chest, and I blacked out. I remember nothing until I came to, surrounded by the mauled bodies of all the men who had been around me. I was in the form of some kind of animal that and covered in their blood.”

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Ocean Protector April 18, 2021

Ghosts From the Past, Part II

I gasped, waking from the dream, and looked around. Cecelia’s ghost stood nearby, and I wanted to run to her. “You avenged me, and yet, you have not.”

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