
The Last Dragon Prince July 16, 2021

Revealed Secrets

It has been centuries, and she has shown no sign of having her parents’ abilities. I thought the dragon abandoned her but allowed her to keep her immortality, but it seems I was very wrong. Being in the Source must be strengthening her. I know it is strengthening me.

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The Last Dragon Prince May 23, 2021

The Past

He snaps his fingers, spinning on his heel before walking out of the room. The guards follow him, leaving me bleeding open on the ground. I won’t die from these wounds. A dragon can never die unless someone rips their heart out. So, I will just lay here and heal slowly, wishing and praying to the gods that my mother was still here, giving me advice on what to do.

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Ocean Protector March 19, 2021

A Strange Homecoming, Part III

Valen let out a primal yell of joy, and I beamed up at him. I knew that even though I loved him, and he loved me, the likelihood that this union would go ahead would be slim to none. There were so many in the community who were against forward-thinking that it would be an uphill battle. I was not lying though, I would marry him, but I also knew that eventually, he would end up paired with someone in his own class, and I would be left alone. Why then did I say yes?

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