
Demon of the Crossroads June 29, 2021

Dockery Farms, Mississippi

Show them up? Well, how could I refuse? Could I refuse? I wasn’t sure that I could? I stood there weighing my options, the pros and cons of the situation presented before me. I scratched my cheek as he nervously dabbed at his bald pate with that handkerchief. I really didn’t want to go to Mississippi.

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The Mad Oracle February 18, 2021

The Hanged Man

.So, yeah, I’m gonna let you in on a secret. The last time I checked, I’ve been drowned eight times, burned at the stake twice, beaten, stoned, shoved off a cliff, stabbed, even flayed alive once. But each time, my dogged regeneration kicks in and keeps me alive. I have never been pushed over the edge to wherever we go when we die.

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