
Ocean Protector January 2, 2023

A Mermish Encounter

“You cannot take it child, it will be your doom!” she cried out as I ripped the pearl from the necklace. The rest of the pearls scattered around the room and I smiled, happy in the near completion of my task. “If you take it, you will forever be property of the demon, that was my penance too!”

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Ocean Protector June 27, 2022

Enter: Demon Hating Skinwalker

“Thank you, Sani. You are a good man. But… What of this shaman? Will she not look for you?” I could not believe I was asking that. Of course, she will be looking for him.

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Ocean Protector May 9, 2022

Command and Serve

“Embracing your animal side? Oh, how very interesting.” The evil smile that crept onto his face sent shivers down my ethereal spine. “Yes, I see how this could be to my advantage.”

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Ocean Protector September 11, 2021

A Deal With The Devil

“Maybe you should seek some help, child,” Tania chimed in as I left work a few nights later. I looked at her oddly. She was part-fae, and I wondered just what help she could suggest. I was shocked when she said, “A crossroads demon.”

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Astral Witch July 25, 2021

Shattered Dreams

I nodded as I looked around for his ghost. I saw him standing to the side, a sad expression on his face. Before I could say anything to him, a figure in black appeared behind him and said something to him, then they disappeared.

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Burn King February 4, 2021

Sorry, Wrong Number

“You’ve already tied yourself to one demon, at least this way, you’d get something out of it. I offer power, magic, a tie to that same Source that so foolishly called your uncle here instead of you. In exchange, I get you.”

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